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Selling your deal?

Profit Properties, LLC specializes in buyer relationships and dispositions. Selling your deal is a whole other ball game! Many wholesalers we work with focus strictly on acquisitions, then send what they lock up to us to handle everything on the buyer side. Making sure the deal gets sold, EMD is deposited, and transaction coordinating so that you can focus on the next deal in your pipeline!

We allow you to work



Profit Properties, LLC offers a non-exclusive partnership opportunity for Real Estate Wholesalers in the New Jersey area. We want to allow you the highest chance of selling your deal, which is why we never want to tie you into working with just us! If you assign the property yourself, don't worry we're cut out of the deal!

Discover why so many wholesalers consider Profit Properties as the best option when needing to sell their deal to a reputable buyer fast!

Profit Properties LLC

+1 (201) 241-2750

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